Physician Services
We’ve noted that the increased demand for physician services also drives the need to examine systems and processes of the practice for improvements. This is true across standalone medical groups owned by hospitals as well as faculty practices that are part of university systems. With so much complexity in legal changes and staffing issues, it can be daunting to identify opportunities for improvement as well as confirm availability of the right metrics to measure performance. This is where Insight Health Partners can help.
Insight Health Partners offers a team of highly experienced industry executives who draw upon their own experience as well as knowledge gained through working with physician practices of every size, from small physician groups to large faculty practice plans. We have developed standards and formulas for assessment as well as the knowledge to guide you to ask the right questions and derive meaningful answers from your data.
Trouble spots we have tamed include physician contracting, professional billing, scheduling, and metrics for measuring practice performance.
Key Services:
Physician Alignment Strategies
Physician Compensation Plans
FMV Opinions
Community Needs Assessment
Group Practice Development
Operational Assessment
Revenue Cycle Assessment
Funds Flow Assessment
Development of PCMHs
Institutions We Serve:
Community hospitals and health systems
Academic medical centers
Teaching hospitals
Medical schools
Large physician groups
Faculty practice plans